Pull out dynamically your posts to promote organic navigation!

📚 Create Content > Blocks > Articles

Definition & Purpose

Use the Posts Lists block to insert a list or grid of the latest articles, press releases, and/or publications, organized by publication date. This block automatically pulls and sorts these posts according to their type, tags, and categories.

Highlights Posts so that users can easily see and navigate to the latest and most relevant articles, press releases and/or publications.

Add the block to your page

The block is automatically added at the end of Posts and can be manually added in Pages by selecting in the Planet 4 blocks menu

Customize the block

The following fields can be edited for the articles block:

The title, the description and the button text to load more results can be edited right inside the block. The rest of the options have been moved to the menu on the right side.

The preview is static: tags and links are not clickable in the preview window in the backend so that it is clear which elements are editable or not.

Manual override of posts

If you want specific pieces of content to be pulled out, you can customize the order with specific posts. In this case the posts will be displayed in order of publication date, most recent displayed on the top.

KEY INFO >> The “manual override” command is available only if both “tags” and “post types” fields are empty

Once this field is being used, the tags and post types fields are unavailable.

The Manual override of the Articles Block in the WYSIWYG editor

Design Elements

All design files of the block are available in the P4 Design Systems > Blocks > Articles

Links & Resources