P4 IS LIVE! Time to do some checks to make sure everything works as planned

Once the GPI INFRA team has done their part to make your site go live, it’s time for you to do some checks to make sure everything works as planned. Here is a guide for things to check after go live.

Is something going wrong? Shout to the P4 team in your Project Skype chat!

Check different domain syntax

Here’s a few examples to check, they should all end up to your P4 site and not to the archived version of P3:

Check P3 > P4 links

Check responsive versions of P4 correctly redirect to the live site

Check search engine settings

Dashboard > Settings > Reading

More than checking the home page (that should be correct by now!), it’s fundamental to check that the site is be indexed by search engines or not.

  • KEY INFO >> if the “Search Engine Visibility” box is ticked, search engines will exclude your Planet 4 site from search results  
Setting up P4 > Reading settings, including commands to set up which page will be the Home and if the site will be indexed by search engines or not.

Test Search engines (wait a few hours after launch)

Check your admin contact email is correct

Dashboard > Settings > General

The email configure by default in your P4 site corresponds to Ray from the Infrastructure team, please change this to an email from your office or from the person responsible  of managing your P4 site. After you change the email address, you’ll need to go to your email inbox and confirm in the email received.

Check your registration settings are correct

Dashboard > Settings > General

Check analytics are properly extracted & recorded

Google Analytics > Reports > Real Time 

If your P4 GTM container is published and the Analytics tag is et up properly, you should be able to see live incoming traffic from the Real Time Reports..

Re-check Pages and Content and fix stuff around

Share /?internal link to exclude staff traffic

Remember the Dynamic Exclusion of IP Address set up your P4 Google Tag Manager container? Time to send a link to your colleagues if you haven’t done it yet! Excluding GP staff traffic is a best practice to ensure data are clean and real.