On this day the Planet 4 Project Team have made the following updates to the Product:

Release V1.7 (7/3/2018)

Front End

  • PLANET-1809 BUG Post: Take Action box missing tags
    Take Action box on Posts shows all tags associated with the Take Action page.
  • PLANET-1860 BUG Mobile: Tags with 20 characters or more are cut off
    Should a Tag have 20 characters or more the font size will resize to fit screens in the responsive version.
  • PLANET-1831 BUG Search: Fixed weights
    The Weight field that we have for Posts/Pages is applied when sorting by Most Recent.
  • PLANET-1859 BUG Search: Fixed ignoring stemming
    When searching for a specific word/phrase without filters or with the filtered Posts, the number of results is the same.
  • PLANET-1881 BUG Search: Fixed check boxes
    The filter’s check boxes are visible again and the line between the checkbox and the filter is gone.

Back End / Admin

  • PLANET-1749 Tasks blocks: Adjusted opacity and colors
    When a visitor hover over the tasks, the light grey becomes dark grey.
  • PLANET-1754 BUG Admin Settings: Added option for footer copyright
    Footer updated from Greenpeace 2018 to Greenpeace International 2018 and CC logo moved to 2nd line.
  • PLANET-1816 Admin Settings: Added option to edit text for Take Action button
    An Admin is able to change default button text for Take Action cards
    e.g. from TAKE ACTION to LEARN MORE on both active and passive states
  • PLANET-1797 Happy Point block: Adjusted iframe height for Greece Child Theme
    Editor is able to add additional copy to the Engaging Networks opt-in form without the button to be pushed down and obstructed by the footer – on mobile. The frame moves up, not down, when additional copy/fields are added. The spacing between the lines is closer than before.
  • PLANET-1844 Handbook: Began work to create a navigation column

Release V1.8 (14/3/2018)

Front End

  • PLANET-1758 Post: Auto generate excerpt for post
    Excerpt of at least the first 25 words of the content is now automatically generated when creating a post.
  • PLANET-1770 BUG Post: apply Carousel style to Image gallery
    The WP default image gallery now has the same style as the P4 Carousel block.
  • PLANET-1881 BUG Search: filter checkboxes not visible anymore
    This was due to a conflict of class name in js. The filter’s checkboxes are visible again now on the Search page
  • PLANET-1883 Articles block, 4 Column block and Search: Make consistent excerpt link behaviour
    Hovering over the thumbnail image OR over the title triggers the link (hand) cursor and makes title (only) underlined.
    When the mouse cursor is over the thumbnail, the title also gets underlined.
    Description paragraph is not a link (so doesn’t get underlined nor gets the link cursor)
  • PLANET-1896 BUG [GPGR] Search: Action Pages are not appearing in results on Greek site
    In Greek site the action pages were not being included in search results.
  • PLANET-1898 BUG Post: Carousel scroll not working
    When a Media Gallery Carousel is used in a Post, it is now possible to scroll from one image to the next.

Back End / Admin

  • PLANET-1811 Handbook: create child theme
    Clone and modify the child-theme so that it can be applied to campaign minisites
  • PLANET-1833 BUG Page: Use Lora as default font in body
    Text in all aspects the body copy is now Lora.
  • PLANET-1844 Handbook: create a navigation
    We have added a navigation sidebar by using a child theme.
  • PLANET-1845 Handbook: Override colours for child-theme
  • PLANET-1874 [GPGR] 404 Page: adapt to Greece
    Override master theme’s 404 code
  • PLANET-1875 BUG Take Action Cover block: load more functionality
    On any page with Covers block, when displaying 3 or 6 covers, the “Load More” button should reveal 3 more covers each time.
    On M screen, default is now 2 covers and is loading 2 covers at time.
  • PLANET-1877 Post: permalink should use P4 page type category over other assigned categories
    When a Post is assigned to a Page Type (Story, Press Release, Publication) the Page Type will be used in the permalink.
  • PLANET-1878 BUG Happy Point: broken on Tag page
    On Tag pages, on L/XL screens there was a gap on the right side between the Happy Point and edge of window.
    On M it was disappearing under the footer and on S it disappears completely.
  • PLANET-1880 [GPGR] Font on Greek site: Replace Lora with Noto Sans
    Replace Lora with Noto Sans on the Greek installation. Noto Sans is the best sans serif default font to replace Lora (body copy) as it covers all languages.
  • PLANET-1888 Posts: apply Open Graph markup
    Open Graph markup is now available into Posts/Pages/Campaigns. When sharing a post on a social network, all needed information appears (image, website, title, description)
  • PLANET-1913 Infra: Move all frontend libraries inside the repo
    All frontend libraries were moved inside the repo and tracked in a deterministic way.