Build P4-Alike donations pages and track conversions, using the Engaging Networks system (connected with Stripe).

📚 Create Content > Pages > Donation Pages > Engaging Networks

⚠ Please keep in mind that the Engaging Networks connection with Planet 4 will be phasing out in 2023.

Why, what and how

Greenpeace is the only global environmental charity that accepts no corporate or government donations to maintain a much needed independent voice. This means we rely on individual supporters to fund our work, and the online donation pages connected to our P4 sites are extremely important to our cause.

This page will help you integrate your donation tools with Planet 4.

Online donation pages represent the classic way to fundraise in institutional Greenpeace websites, providing easy way to donate to our Organisation.

Online donation pages usually consist of two subpages. The first page usually holding the form, donation amounts, accepted forms of payment (Credit Cards, PayPal, Direct Debit, etc..). The second page is the one people are redirect to once they submit the donation, also called “thank you” page.

Online donation pages are usually set up in external tools, usually custom pages connected to a local payment processor (or Gateway), which collects the donation and process it, before injecting it in the Organisation’s bank account.

Tracking donations

🧑‍💻 Find more information on how to track donations on the Planet 4 Gitbook.

Set up Engaging Networks donation pages

Here’s how to set up a donation page like the International one, based in Engaging Networks (EN). As with every tool, donation pages built in Engaging Networks require an active payment gateway to process gifts.

EN has a list of available integrations with payment gateways, for the GPI donation page, as example, the Stripe payment gateway is being used.

You must also first add all of the necessary fundraising fields to your account before starting, learn more here.

Create your P4 HTML Template in EN

While logged in your NRO Engaging Networks account, go to Pages > Components > Templates > New Template > Start from Scratch

Once the editor is open, name your template (remember that name in order to use it on the next step!)

Copy-paste header & footer source codes into your template.

🤔 KEY INFO : Make sure you change the meta data, Google Tag Manager and top nav links in the header. In the footer, be sure to change all of the footer links to match your NRO P4 site.

At the top of the header you’ll find the place to add your GTM (also in the body). Find more about GTM and EN here.

While editing the header, use CTRL (or cmd) F to find “Act“, “Explore“, “Donate” and replace the urls with your P4 site main navigation urls..

Main navigation of GP India – English version, make sure to edit both Header (ACT | EXPLORE | DONATE) and Footer links in your EN template!

Do the same with all the links in the footer. Remove any links that your NRO is not using in your footer.

Click “Save”.

Create the P4 Donation Page in EN

🔎 Where? You can find this in Engaging Networks by going to Pages > Manage pages > New page

From the “New Page” menu choose the Donation Page option, and click Next.

🤔 KEY INFO : Here is what you should define on this Admin page:
the name of the page
the public title for the page
select the status (a new page should have the status New. Once the page is ready to test live, change to Live)
template (pick the template you created on the previous step)

Once all details above are settledclick Next >>

Connect the page to the Payment Gateway/s

If you have not yet set up a TEST Stripe Account (or any test gateway). Now is a good time to do that.

🤔 KEY INFO : FOR THIS EXAMPLE, WE ARE USING STRIPE, but you may connect your EN donation page to other payment gateways, IF SUPPORTED BY ENGAGING NETWORKS

More information over the Stripe gateway and Engaging Networks.

More information over the PayPal gateway and Engaging Networks.

For this initial set up, it is best to choose one test gateway. Once the page is tested, you’ll come back here and change the gateway to your live gateway (which requires adding a live API token provided by Stripe (and PayPal).

Once you have selected your test Gateway, click Next >>

Here is where you can set up notifications to people on your fundraising team. If, for instance, you all want to receive an email when someone donates a large amount or makes a monthly donation, you can set it here.

More on custom notifications in Engagging Networks.

Notifications are not mandatory, if you do not want to send notifications to anyone (or not yet), click Next >>

Edit page Layout

On top right corner, there is a hammer and a wrench symbol. Click on that to be able to edit the layout of the page.

Drag over Two column and drop it in the middle of the page.

Go back to the hammer & wrench > Components > Text block

Click and drag a text block to your column on the left. Add your donation page text to your text block on the left.

Customise Form Fields

Go back to the hammer & wrench > Components > Form block

Hopefully you have already referred to the EN page that lists all your required fields.

Here are the fields you are dragging over to your form:

You need to pull over each of these form fields and edit them each to fit your page needs.

For adding a monthly donation option, you must have add three fields:

Recurring payment Recurring frequency and Recurring day

Review this help page from Engaging Networks for setting up monthly or recurring pages.

To default to monthly and to be charged on the day that the gift is being made, then for “Recurring day”: hide the field and add “999” as the default value:

Each form element is mandatory and each will have its own set up. Click on the field you need to edit and your options will drop down:

Click on the “Default Content” button to manage the options for each field (e.g. pre-set donation amounts), and set up your default content:

The value you enter must not include currency symbols, and the credit card (Payment Type) must use the listed value of your payment gateway (all accepted values in EN are listed here).

Your expiration date set up requires “Split Select” set up, with / as the delimiter.

Under “Edit select #1 values”, use 01 – 12 and under “Edit select #2 values,” use 2019 … up to 2030 (or however high you want to go).

Customise the background image

To change the default background image you need to add a new row below the main one (if there isn’t already a row beneath your two columns already).

This can be a “One column row”.

Drag an Image block inside from the Components. You can upload an image in EN or paste an existing url form a Planet 4 image (here’s an example).

Add a custom class named page-background.

Click “Save” if you are happy

Set up the “Thank you” page

“Page 2” will get you to the page that people are redirected to once they submit the form.

In this page you add an “Two column” block from the Row section on the right toolbar.

Inside the left Column drag one Text block and add this to the <>source:

<h1>Thank you!</h1>
<p>Thank you for your monthly donation of {receipt_data~amount~[en1]}.<br />
<br />
We have also sent you a confirmation email for your records.&nbsp;<br />
<br />
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at: <span class="go">[email protected]</span></p>

Add your custom background image. Drag over an image block and add it to the single row beneath your two columns, add your image and your custom class page-background.

Test, test, test

Before sharing your page with the whole wide world, it is important to test your page.

Test in different browsers and on mobile, make test donations with each payment type.


Remember step #2? Go back to the Admin page and change the status to Live.

You can link to your new donation page for all the world to see! Good work!

Links & Resources