📚 Create Content > Patterns > Quick Links

This block pattern can be used as a secondary navigation element either at the top or bottom of a page to drive users to High-level topic pages while visiting any page.

This very versatile pre-set pattern helps you to connect icons and texts with a High-level topic to facilitate access.

A mockup of the “quick links” pattern

Find the pattern

In any page or post, when adding a new element, type “Quick links” to search or go to “Planet 4 patterns” to locate it among the available ones (see image below)

Finding the “Quick links” pattern

Customise the pattern

The “Deep Dive” pattern works with a WYSIWYG approach, proposing editors a Spacer, a Heading and one row of 4 Columns, with each field containing an Image, Headings, Paragraph, Media & Text

The Edit mode of the “Quick Links” block pattern

To maximise the impact of the “Quick links” block pattern, you should use icons to showcase the topic of each column, numbers

TIP 👉 find here a set of icons for your “quick links” block pattern

And this is how the block looks like when all fields are populated 👇

Block / pattern settings

You’ll notice that on the right side a different set of commands will appear. As the “Deep Dive” block works as the group block, the settings for each block (image, title, paragraph) will appear while you go through the WYSIWYG.

Video intro