📚 Create Content > Blocks > Social Media

Definition & Purpose

The Social Media block is an embed-style block, customized to display and align content from Facebook, Instagram and X by inputting the URL.

Easier for editors to input social media content quickly and efficiently, allowing end-users to interact with content directly.

Add the block to your page

Adding blocks to P4

Social media content supported

Twitter: tweet, profile, list, collection, likes, moment
Facebook: post, activity, photo, video, media, question, note, timeline, event, message input
Instagram: image

Edit block elements

When choosing Facebook page, the editor is asked what type of content they would like to embed? The options are:

After selecting, the user needs to add the URL and choose the alignment.

  • KEY INFO >> insert the URL of the page / post / profile / media etc. –NOT  the Embed code 

See below this Tweet embedded using the block and with no alignment 

Facebook content

For Facebook content only, you will have to select the page type, choosing one of “Timeline“, “Events” or “Message input

See below the Greenpeace International Events facebook section embedded with the block

Design Elements

All design files of the block are available in the P4 Design Systems > Blocks > Social Media

Links & Resources