Make sure P4 works as expected or flag issues to get them fixed before go-live.


If you already have your staging site and have done the initial setup, its time to do some user acceptance testing!


Performing a user acceptance testing assures the platform can handle specific tasks in real-world scenarios. Its objective during the implementations is to get a confirmation or approval from you that the functionality of the site you got works as expected. Any issues you find during testing should be addresses by the development team and prioritised accordingly.


The testing needs to happens on your staging site and the reporting of results happens in JIRA, our product management platform. If you don’t have an account please request it to the implementation coordinator.


Each NRO P4 team should select a representative to perform UAT in their P4 instance. Ideally it should be someone who has admin rights to your platform and has the knowledge to identify if some feature is not working as expected or interferes with your NRO engagement strategy.


In JIRA you will find the testing scripts that will guide you step by step through each scenario to be tested. It is recommended to watch the following 13 min JIRA training video prior to execute the tests.

Video Demo of UAT

The final content check

Additional to the User Acceptance Testing it is recommended to do a content check before launch. This content check ensures a smooth navigation on the site and a better user experience. Some of these you might also take as recommendation.


The Go / No-go Checklist

To ensure overall quality, consistency and security, a few key stakeholders need to say “YES” before the Actual switch is made and the PROD website replaces Planet 3 as the official new Greenpeace website. This document must be completed after the User Acceptance Test (UAT) is passed and one day before the planned launch at latest.

No approval in one of the functional areas de facto blocks the P4 go-live. Escalation and corrective meeting to discuss the next steps (postpone? cancel?) are the options.

Here’s a template of what this document looks like:

An electronically signed-off copy of the Go/No-Go checklist must be included in each NRO Planet 4 Implementation Drive

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