2 years agoOpen for votes1

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When we do an action or put on some sort of event, we have typically used paid third party tools like ScribbleLive to aggregate and embed a ‘social feed’ of tweets, youtube videos and instagram and facebook posts as a series of short text updates.

It would be better if we could do it natively in P4. GP Spain is is using a WordPress plugin to achieve the same results.


I suggest we build something similar in P4 so that we can live blog easily and without paying for ScribbleLive.

P4 already does much of what is required, with social post embeds, images,

The MVP could be as simple as:

  • A new ‘live blog’ post template that adds padding to the Gutenberg blocks and puts a slightly different background colour behind them or in them to make them stand out from the page as individual elements,
  • A (human readable) time & date stamp to each block to show when it was added to the page so that over 48 hours of live blogging, the viewer can see when each post was made.
  • A sticky / pin post (block) so that one block can be made to stay at the top of the page and then later ‘un-pinned’ to fall into its chronological placeFor when we do an action or put on some sort of event, and want to aggregate and embed a ‘social feed’ of tweets, youtube videos and instagram and facebook posts as a series of short text updates.

Jira Ticket 👉 PLANET-7372