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To facilitate posts consumption, an indicator on how long the post will take would be useful. No need to go deep in machine learning (e.g. 2’000 characters = 3 min), this could be a manual command / extra field on the right of post edits.

on P4 it may go underneath the existing fields by | date | N of comments 


  • 🙌  – 6 (from 4 to 10)
  • 💚  – 10
  • 🤔  – 2

💡 Idea meeting outcomes – March 2021 – It’s a GO ✅

RECAP from Community feedback: Definitely the most popular of the March ideas. Mostly 🙌  and 💚

Generally perceived as an additional trigger for users to consume the post content, even considering the quick SM traffic sources (useful for ppl to read it through mobile when on the move). While agreeing it has to be only for posts, the option to A/B test it and decide for which post types this should be active appealed to the community (don’t see the point for publications, for ex.).

Side / follow-up improvement to accompany this with a scrolling sidebar, indicating the progressive consumption of the content 


  • Most popular among the 3 ideas (2 “must have”
  • Clear use case and value added for users 
  • May stimulate content consumption  
  • Concern about the overcluttering of information in the post intro block
P4 tech team gut-feeling recommendation → Design-wise, this should only be styled according to our design systems / fonts. Tech-wise, we should determine the solution based on non-latin character compatibility (in any case a tool that, based on the amount of characters, estimates the length of the post, in terms of reading time). Overall medium complexity, recommend to perhaps launch it in a first stage without progress bar. 
Notes: Testing will help us determine if it will actually increase readership (time spent on page, progress of scrolling down page, click-through). Concerns about embeds, will they affect the time length estimate? TBD + would it be possible to add it in some way for other interactions like Petitions / Quizz ? Agree with need a benchmark / goal for judging how successful this is. Ami- feels modern in a way, testing is needed – could also backfire, might dissuade reading. Would be good to see data about this from the industry. Might want to scope it out first and then decide if its worth, Could help digi-comms learn more about the optimum time frame.

Investigation ticket: PLANET-6143

Deployment ticket: PLANET-6432