2 years agoOpen for votes0

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In case there are some given solutions already or future plans from the community, please ignore the idea 🙂

Gravity Forms is a nice plugin. Thanks for adding this. It will be really easy way of adding surveys and quizzes inside the blog posts.

Especially for quizzes, making the choices as images would be attractive for users. After we reviewed the product shortly, it seems adding images to the form seems not possible. Maybe it is (not sure), but couldn’t find the easy way of doing it.

There seems a third-party add-on which makes the choices in the quiz to be added as images. ( Here: https://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/gravity-forms-image-choices/ ) This add-on or some custom solutions from developers would be really nice to have in the future if possible.


Jira Ticket 👉 PLANET-7371