Block: Split Two Columns

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Release v2.50 – lazy load for YouTube iframes, replaced some colors to align with the design system and fixed a couple of bugs: YouTube videos not rendering in full width, Split two column text being too large between screen width 991 and 1200, timeline block breaking the editing of media blocks.

🎩 Features

  • PLANET-5843Replace some colours to align with the design system
    • The continuous alignment with the Design Systems continues. This time , some CSS colours got updated and deleted from the codebase.
    • Main changes cab be noticed in:
      • Donate button hovering
      • Search page background & input
      • Link hovering
      • Footer/navigation hovering
  • PLANET-5946 Drop master/develop branches on deploy repos
    • To simplify how deployment repos reflect different environments, we now use one branch, tags and environment variables to control deployments.  Please shout to the P4 team if your NRO releases independently! 
  • PLANET-5959Youtube (nocookie) adds a lot of data to page load
    • Youtube-nocookie is adding a lot of data transfer to the page load. The player scripts is around 500Kb (compressed, file is 1.6MB uncompressed).
    • We implemented to lazy load the iframe, meaning that it will load anything but the thumbnail, until the user interacts with the embedded video.
Before user interacts with the iframe
After user interacts with the iframe
  • PLANET-5978Add CSS variables editor to develop instances
  • PLANET-5755jQuery: remove jQuery from cookies scripts
  • PLANET-5483 – make npm/node persistent to our docker-compose dev images

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • PLANET-5971Blocks plugin script loads in head when logged in
  • PLANET-5970YouTube video don’t render in full width
    • Embed of a YouTube video is no longer on full width since the latest update. Area itself is still the same, but the video only contains a small portion, leaving a big white space around.
  • PLANET-5979 Twitter handle name is missing on evergreen pages social share button
    • The Twitter handle name is missing on evergreen pages social share button
  • PLANET-5969 – Cookies setup function crashes when there is no cookie banner
    • When there is no cookie text set in the site settings, the cookie banner is not rendered and this causes the new Javascript setupCookies function to crash. As a result there are some issues on the site (for instance some images are not loaded).
  • PLANET-5815 Split two columns text too large between screen width 991 and 1200
    • For other screen sizes the combination of height + font size is able to fit long titles, however between 991 and 1200 px the font is too large compared to the height and the title gets pushed beyond the top
  • PLANET-5960Timeline block breaks the editing of media blocks
    • A Timeline block can break the editing process of other blocks, probably by a loading  Lodash in the Underscore object “_”.

🔧 Infrastructure

  • PLANET-5910Deploy Elastic stack to dev to test APM module
  • PLANET-5832Add CPU usage dashboards to Grafana in Dev
  • PLANET-5446 Expose dev Prometheus to GPI Ops Grafana instance