Bonjour ! Follow last Sprint’s PHP8 upgrade, there have been some … interesting developments. But good news: Those affected plugins and dependencies have been upgraded! Additionally, there have been more bug fixes and a unified structure for Post Breadcrumbs, listing pages UI and more. Let’s go:
Features 🛠
PLANET-7388 – Upgrade affected plugins and dependencies following PHP8 upgrade
- Following the PHP upgrade from v2.120, some specific plugins and their dependencies have been checked and upgraded as well, to avoid warnings and issues.
PLANET-7343 – Unify Post breadcrumbs structure
- Taxonomy breadcrumbs now follow the new IA logic: Post Type > Category | Category
- This is regardless of the “New IA” feature flag status.

PLANET-7324 – Unify listing pages UI and refactor template code
- Since the new IA has been implemented, the Listing Pages UI has been simplified. There was, however, still a lot of conditional code present. That code has been dropped and the new Listing Pages will be displayed on all cases.
Bug Fixes 🐞
PLANET-7408 – Carousel Header: no focus point and no button link options
- And now there is a focus point and a button link!
PLANET-7394 – Missing Icon in carousel header block
- And now there is an icon!
🤔 Key info : Don’t let bugs run free! Make sure to report them here.