May the 4th be with you… Or is it too late to make this joke? Later or not, this release update is really on time!

In the last release update, we welcomed Australia to Planet 4, and guess what? Now, they have shared their journey with us, transforming their experience in a medium post!  You can read here, it is fantastic!

Now let’s check the several feature updates, some bug fixes, and a couple of heads-ups! Let’s go:

Features  🛠

PLANET-7507 Add a setting to load Tag Manager scripts from a custom domain ⭐

It was added in the Analytics section of P4 settings for a custom domain name to load Tag Manager scripts from. The domain is then used in two places where the tag manager scripts are loaded. When the setting is left empty, the default domain of Tag Manager is used.

The feature does not affect how we handle consent for trackers, but it enables us to load tag manager for people who give consent in the cookie banner but might use an ad blocker for just ads.

⭐️ GP Switzerland has contributed for this feature, we really appreciate it!

PLANET-7410 Update the default and update consent mode scripts

The Consent Mode v2 was released last year and introduced new parameters which needs to be implemented on Planet 4 consent management system to properly manage the consent mode. 

PLANET-7490 Change search limit from 6 to 8 on Greenpeace Media

Now, there is the option for more ID searches to Greenpeace Media. The form input width was also adjusted accordingly to make sure IDs/keywords are displayed in one line.

PLANET-7453 Implement new dataLayer variable for email in Gravity Forms (form_submission event)

One of the challenges with MixPanel implementation is the need to manage user identification. We have so far relied on Google Analytics which identifies users through their logged-in state on Google accounts, but with Mixpanel we won’t be able to match the same users across devices unless we send them an unique user_id.

It was added in all formSubmission dataLayer event sent from Gravity Forms, a new variable ‘userEmail’ with the email submitted by the user.

Bugs 🐞

PLANET-7495 Highlight markup adds extra spacing on text

And now it is fixed!

PLANET-7199 Update caption/credit under images to be inline to match gallery block

And now it is updated!

🤕 Don’t let bugs run free! Make sure to report them here.

Heads-up 📡

PLANET-7381 Hide Page title by default when a pattern layout is being used

PLANET-7380 Drop Campaigns theme customizer

Questions? Remarks?

Make sure to reach out to the Planet 4 Community on Slack!

#p4-general on Slack