Ahoi hoi! It’s time for another SPRINT release and it’s a loaded one. WhatsApp share buttons, page title get hidden by default (when a pattern layout is being used), saying goodbye to the campaign theme customiser, a bunch of bug fixes and more! Let’s go!

Features  🛠

PLANET-7538 Add hook to modify the formSubmission event parameters

In short, it’s been enable to modify the data that’s being sent with a formSubmission event. This is for NROs that have their web analytics setup differently than the global one.

PLANET-7536 Add “Share Text to WhatsApp” button

As it says… A “share text to Whatsapp” button has been added. Requested from the #P4-General Slack group so keep those suggestions coming!

PLANET-7381 Hide Page title by default when a pattern layout is being used

When creating a new page, added a title is mandatory to be able to publish that page. However, page titles aren’t always something to be displayed when using a Pattern Layout. So from now on, when creating a new page and a pattern layout is selected from the initial modal, then the “Hide page title” option gets enabled by default.

PLANET-7380 Drop Campaigns theme customizer

Time to say goodbye to the Campaigns theme customizer! Since it hasn’t been actively maintained and it’s not really being used by NROs, it’s a good opportunity to drop the functionality and clean up our code.

PLANET-7263 Greenpeace Media: add in editor option for P4 blocks

As a follow up from PLANET-7158 that implemented the in-editor Media Archive for core blocks, a Media Archive tab in certain of the P4 Blocks has been enabled.

Bugs 🐞

PLANET-7535 Credit is removed when caption is edited

And that has been fixed!

🤕 Don’t let bugs run free! Make sure to report them here.

Infrastructure 📰

PLANET-7470 Migrate wordpress HPA autoscaling/v1 to autoscaling/v2

Heads-up 📡

PLANET-7525 Media import does not work with feature image

PLANET-7527 Move blocks report into master theme

Questions? Remarks?

Make sure to reach out to the Planet 4 Community on Slack!

#p4-general on Slack