Community-driven product improvement continues! Folks are submitting ideas, voting for them and even helping with User Acceptance testing! Please keep improving P4..  Because together we can make much more than what we did in week 43 of 2018:

Release v1.31 (30/10/2018)

PLANET 2614 – Refined results page for Post Type pages 

Clicking on the Page types, users will be redirected to the Page Type wrapper (e.g.
  • KEY INFO >> The Description text of the Page type can be changed in the settings (see below)
Editing the description of the Post types (e.g. Story | Press | Publication)
  • PLANET 2476 – Meta Data: allow for editable fields (Community idea!
    • The idea proposed by Ellie made its way to the core product! Web editors are now able to customise the share title, description and image of posts and pages..
    • All P4 posts and pages have a new command, called “Open Graph / Social Fields” that allows you to customise Meta Data for Social Sharing buttons!
  • PLANET 2472 –Youtube Video block: Expand functionality to include GP Media Library videos 
    • The Block: Video / Media is getting improved! Webbies are now able to add mp4 only videos from the media library! More info and instructions in >> Block: Video / Media
      • COMING NEXT >> media library videos will also be allowed to be inserted via Media (e.g. in Posts)
  • KEY INFO >> This block allows only .mp4 video format form the GPI Media Library… 
  • PLANET 2616 – Add radio button styles
    • Cool improvement to both Engaging Networks Petition and donation pages that will be available from the Block: Form (soon to be released).
  • PLANET 2729 and PLANET 2816 – Regular updates to Timber 1.8.1,  SearchWP 2.9.17, wordfence 7.1.6 and stateless 2.18
    • A few important Front-end, caching-related, plugin and search upgrades to all our environments. More info in CircleCi or Tech Intro 
  • PLANET 2417 –Page: Background image not resized (bug fix!)
    • Background images in pages with not so many blocks or content used to have the image go beyond the footer.. not anymore!
  • PLANET 2506 – Media Library: Sometimes the loading image gets disappear on image search (bug fix!)
    • Sometimes the loading image from the Media library search was disappearing. No Longer!
  • PLANET 2588 – Content 4 Column block: style fixes  (bug fix!)
    • Style alignment on the Block: Covers, links were black, now they are #2980B9 in all instances
  • PLANET 2604 – Media Library: upload button  (bug fix!)
    • For some reasons the “Upload” button was not showing up when trying to import images from the P4 back end. All good now.
  • PLANET 2749 – Cookies: Block not functioning properly (bug fix!
    • The Block: cookies control was a bit buggy.. all good now, here’s a recap of the functionality:
      • Once user click “GOT IT!” the GTM container is be fired for all next actions (e.g. page refresh / new page is open)
      • The “Enforce Cookies Policy” setting should not be checked by default (this we can do in a separate ticket)
      • not accepting the strictly necessary cookies (1st option) makes the cookie message appear
      • if users accept the “All cookies” (2nd option) the Necessary cookies (1st option) is be automatically accepted
NOT accepting necessary cookies (1st option) makes the cookie acceptance banner appear again
  • PLANET 2758 – Wrong link in ‘Read more’ button in tag pages – multilingual sites  (bug fix!)
    • In multilingual P4 sites, such as the Luxembourg one, the “Read more” button was not loading content of the same language.. Why? unclear. When? No more…
“Read more” in multi-language P4 sites will load more content of the same language
  • PLANET 2777 –In Plugins usage report, rename “Covers” to “Take action Covers” and add the new “Covers” (bug fix!)
    • The Plugin Block Report was a bit misleading, pulling out “Covers” rather than “Take Action Covers” (which you need to replace with the new block instructions in page or in Video). Hopefully all is clear now and Take Action CoversCampaign Thumbnails and Content Four Column are pulled out correctly (you need to replace them with the new block: “Covers”!)
  • PLANET 2798 –Link colour not aligned (bug fix!)
    • Hyperlinked text were shown in wrong colours ( #007BFF), for consistency reasons they are now #2980B9 in all instances