This release was dedicated to do some design and backend improvements together with some bug fixes and an important improvement regarding the cache. Please keep reporting bugs and suggesting new features!

Release v1.44 (26/2/2019)

  • PLANET 2981 – Automate clearing cache after page publication (Idea!)
    • Previously we needed to “clear the site cache” for non-logged in users to see changes immediately made on page or post. Following Alessio’s idea, now the site cache will be cleared automatically after making changes to a page or post.
Any post or page update now triggers an automated cache flush to immediately reflect changes in the frontend

Design and UX Improvements 🎩

  • PLANET 3234 – New Carousel header – Make the image overlay darker (Design)
    • By darkening the overlay of the new carousel header image, the accessibility of the site is improved, which means the site is more readable to everyone.
  • PLANET 3232 – CSS blockquote apply CSS (UX)
    • This is a follow up from PLANET-3217. User is able to adjust size of blockquotes so tit can choose one style for long quotes and another for short quotes.
  • PLANET 3222 – Navigation changes for MENA (UX)
    • Changes in the country selector have been made to remove “Arabic” option and just leave MENA options for both the english and Arabic site.
The P4 Country selector drop-down menu now displays both MENA P4 sites

Backend Improvements 🔩⚙

  • PLANET 3033 – Homepage Carousel header: change h2 tag > h1 (Dev)
    • HTML tag for the title in Carousel Header is now h1 instead of h2. This improvement is not visible on the front end, but will improve SEO.
  • PLANET 3033 – Write codeception tests for the new blocks (carousel header new style and columns) (Dev)
    • Developing automated tests on new features will increase the P4 tests suite and will ensure the platform keeps a high quality by preventing new bugs to be released.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • PLANET 3235 – New Carousel header – Fix image height on mobile (bug)
    • Different text length in the new carousel header was causing the height of the block to change per slide on mobile. This has now been fixed by setting a different height of the block on mobile so that all slides keep a consistent height.
  • PLANET 3238 – New Carousel header – Image focus point not working (bug)
    • The image focus point was not working for the new carousel header, but now that is fixed users can select the focus of the image they want their carousel header to display.
  • PLANET 3224 – Carousel header (with only 1 image) disappears on mobile when sliding through it (bug)
    • When using the carousel header (Zoom and slide style) with only one slide on mobile, the whole block disappeared when user tried to slide the carousel to next (nonexistent) slide. Not anymore!
  • PLANET 3211 – Sitemap: About Greenpeace section missing pages (bug)
    • Sitemap should now display all pages under their corresponding taxonomy.
  • PLANET-3281 – Fix double vertical spacing (Design)
    • An extra space was shown between specific blocks in pages, but this has now been fixed and all blocks will keep the same spacing between each other.
  • PLANET 3228 – Columns block: Space too big on mobile (Design)
    • The space between the Columns block description and the columns text was too big on mobile, but this has been adjusted to keep a consistent spacing between elements.