First release of the 2020 is a tiny one, with some bug fixes.

Release v2.14 (08.01.2020)

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • PLANET-4597Fix campaign dataLayer script on P4 Posts
    • The Campaign Standards (datalayer) dropdown started appearing on posts, the problem being that values selected on the backend were not being fired via dataLayer.
    • The dataLayer.push script had to be fixed on posts (as they work on default planet 4 pages and campaign pages).
  • PLANET-4644 Country Selector: fix GPSK address
    • Greenpeace Slovakia link in country selector was resulting in a 404 page. The URL of the page has been correctly updated both in the country selector and the landing page.

Geek alert

(this section is dedicated to developers or web editors with advanced tech knowledge)

  • PLANET-4510Fix PHP Notice: Notice level error produces when building local env. with make command
    • On local environments, there were some notice level errors observed after the execution of the ‘make’ command, which needed to be fixed.
  • PLANET-4587Create Acceptance tests for all Counter block styles
    • Renamed CounterCept to CounterBarCept.
    • New Acceptance tests for the rest of the Counter block styles have been created.