Buongiorno! The Take Action Boxout can now be placed anywhere in Planet 4, and also received a design update. Lookin’ good, lookin’ good. There have been a few bug fixes, as well as P4 clusters upgrade. Let’s see:
Features 🛠
PLANET-7534 Make TA Boxout Available on All Planet 4 Pages
Until recently, the Take Action Boxout was restricted to only Posts. No longer! The Block is now available everywhere, including Pages and Actions.
PLANET-7512 Update the design of the TA boxout block
The design of the Take Action Boxout received a proper update.
- The layout is divided evenly between the image and the content, each taking up 50% of the block’s width.
- Stretch the button width to the full width of the content.
- On mobile, the layout is stacked vertically.
- The sticky version of the block will remain as is.
- Allow the hover state of the CTA button only when the user hovers over it.
Discover more of the new look on Figma.

Bugs 🐞
PLANET-7606 Cookies block crashes in the frontend
And now it no longer crashes!
PLANET-7602 Fix link hover color
And now it’s pretty again!
🤕 Don’t let bugs run free! Make sure to report them here.
Infrastructure 🛠
PLANET-7600 Upgrade planet4 clusters to k8s v1.28
Heads-up 📡
PLANET-7525 Media import does not work with feature image
PLANET-7527 Move blocks report into master theme