Last week, the Planet4 team got together to establish the roadmap for 2020. You can read more on this in this document. Hence, release v2.18 is a short and on spot release and brings only a couple of urgent bug fixes: the import feature for the P4CG will not import anymore the tags from the source site to the destination one; we introduced an ellipsis to be displayed whenever the author bio is too long; the manual override function has been fixed; we updated the language for the Turkish site in the country selector and on the landing page.
Release v2.18 (06.02.2020)
Release v2.17 (30.01.2020)
Bug Fixes 🐛
- PLANET-4685 – CPP: Import feature creates Tags of the source site (from the .xml file) in the destination site
- When an editor would import an .xml file of a CPP page, the system would create the same tags of the source file into the destination site.
- This means that even if the Campaign is created as draft, tags are created as LIVE*!
- In the past, the editor had to go immediately and delete the new tags imported. Not necessary anymore, this bug has been fixed and tags from source site will not be imported any longer.
- PLANET-4157 – Author bio block is missing “Read more” link when too long
- Bios of authors were being cut and automatically added an ellipsis, but without a link.
- The functionality is now improved and when bio is too long, a ‘Read more’ link is added, which redirects to author page where visitor can read the full bio.


- PLANET-4439 – Articles Block: Manual Override not finding stories
- When using the Manual Override on the Articles block to select a specific story to display, editor was not presented with the content they were looking for.
- We had to make sure all the posts including search string in title are shown.

- PLANET-4666 – Planet 4 Bug Report: Header Color > set to default
- In CPP, when the editor tried to check other header colors, they couldn’t set it back to default which was impacting the Header and the form title
- PLANET-4690 – Change language for Turkey in the country selector and landing page
- Language for the Turkish site had to be changed to ‘Türkçe’ instead of ‘Türk’, both in the country selector and on the landing page.

Geek alert
(this section is dedicated to developers or web editors with advanced tech knowledge)
- PLANET-4683 – ErrorException: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
- Fixed exception on Covers block tags iteration code