After what happened with the capitalisation of texts, all buttons’ text transformations have been removed, meaning that text on buttons will be displayed exactly as it is written in the backend. Images and documents will also now be served from domain (old links to storage.googleapis will still work!), social media buttons now have round corners and form fileds now have corner radius of 4px on buttons.

🎩 Features

  • PLANET-5584Serve images and pdf files through Cloudflare and greenpeace domain
    • The end result would be that an image that is accessible from<nro>stateless/<slug>.jpg will also be available from<nro>-stateless/<slug>.jpg
    • links to images and documents will still work!
  • PLANET-5644Remove text transformations from all buttons
    • Removed “text-transform: capitalize” from all buttons
    • This means that if in P4 settings admins write “donate” or “take ACTION” that’s literally what will appear in the buttons
  • PLANET-5613Add a corner radius of 4px on all form fields
    • Added a corner radius of 4px on all form fields to echo the 4px radius on buttons.
  • PLANET-5665Remove wp-url dependency on the front end

🐛Bug Fixes

  • PLANET-5713Format dates in the backend to load less frontend libs
    • Each site has its own date format, which admin can choose themselves in the WP settings, as shown in the image below
    • However, in the database they use a different format, all posts being stored in the same way. We switched the way our server format the date before sending the data to the browser, meaning that the page loading performance has improved a bit, while the behavior should be exactly the same as before
  • PLANET-5712Combine google fonts to one http request
  • PLANET-5711Remove redundant Slick and Hammer libraries from master theme
  • PLANET-5706Articles block: Escaped html entities are displayed in the posts excerpt
    • Escaped html entities are displayed in the articles text (here, nbsp).
    • Unescape the post_excerpt value (probably with unescape() function)
  • PLANET-5704Rounded corners on social media buttons are missing
    • Rounded corners on social media buttons were missing (Facebook, Twitter, What’s app, Email) on Take action pages & Posts pages
  • PLANET-5702Gallery Grid style images have no srcset, and use a big image
    • The other styles do use the srcset, and it’s available already during render, so adding it here means a lot smaller images will be used.  1200px results in images of 100 KB to 200 KB each.
  • PLANET-5580Remove Gallery block endpoint
    • When converting the block to WYSIWYG we added an endpoint but this can sometimes really impact the page loading time, so we removed it while keeping all the block’s images and their data


  • PLANET-5721Add CI pipeline to update all dev sites every weekend
    • This will trigger deployment on all dev sites on Sunday night
  • PLANET-5716 Switch GPSK website domain to
    • from”: “”,”to”: “”
  • PLANET-5688 – Move handbook and storytelling behind Cloudflare
  • PLANET-5637 Add context to lint jobs in circleci for docker auth to work

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