Global 404 page is now live and will provide localized version of text based on user’s browser. We also fixed the function to import xml files in Campaigns and we introduced new styles for all form elements.

🎩 Features

  • PLANET-5901Lazy load images in Gallery block
    • Gallery blocks don’t have loading=lazy, so they’re instantly loaded, regardless of where they are on the page. This results in quite a lot of extra data loaded while doing the initial page load.
  • PLANET-5719Implement global 404 page
    • When typing a wrong address, users will land on a Global 404 page and we will provide localized version of text based on user’s browser.
  • PLANET-5880Deploy Global 404 page
    • Add first set of translations for the Global 404 page
  • PLANET-5705Apply new styles for all form elements
    • New styles were applied for form elements
  • PLANET-5685Add a CI job for measuring front end performance
    • Set up a CI job that measures performance, so we can see the impact of improvements, and detect regressions before merging.
  • PLANET-5512 Apply new forms labels UI
    • Apply the new design for fields label in all forms ( EN form block, Happy point, Comments, etc) 

🐛Bug Fixes

  • PLANET-5816Media Asset missing from attachment page
    • Our Media Asset pages no longer have the PDFs appearing on them.

Reminder: P4 team encourages Editors to share the Media attachment page instead of the PDF since we do not have an easy way to replace PDFs when necessary.

  • PLANET-5899Campaign pages: Import xml fails
    • When using the import/export feature to clone a campaign page from one P4 instance to another, the import is failing.


  • PLANET-5903Helm3 upgrade for planet4-helm-esexporter
  • PLANET-5886Helm3 upgrade for planet4-helm-prometheus
  • PLANET-5879 Resolve unused data node in Elasticsearch – Prod
  • PLANET-5877Resolve RED Elasticsearch cluster status – Dev
  • PLANET-5863Deploy ElasticSearch dashboard for Grafana in Dev
  • PLANET-5862 Deploy ElasticSearch exporter for Prometheus in Dev
  • PLANET-5861 Deploy Redis dashboard in Grafana dev for jctest