One of the key improvements web editors needed from Planet 3 is the ability to get images from the awesome Greenpeace Media library and include them in Greenpeace websites. Guess what, now, with an in-house plugin (available in github, of course), this is possible.

Inserting an image from the GP Media Library? Done!

Release v1.18 – May 21st, 2018

  • PLANET-1999 – GPI Media Library integration 
  • PLANET-2191 – Sitemap fix – Was giving an error if there were no evergreen pages
    • Evergreen pages (See page layouts for more info) were not showing in sitemaps. Now they do. Want to see an awesome example? Check the New Zealand P4 sitemap
Evergreen pages in the new Sitemap
  • PLANET-2127 – Add z-index to Submenu Sidebar
    • Sub-items were not clickable in sub-headers. We had to fix this, to make our handbook working, like in this case.
  • PLANET-2146 – Adapt language switcher to the new design
    • Our Indian colleagues will be piloting a multi-language P4. Switching between one language to the other must be intuitive, easy and beautiful. That’s why we had to improve the command.
  • PLANET-2178 – Submenu block: anchored header appears behind menu
    • Now scrolling to items from the submenu (aka Table of content) is simply beautiful. Try this page and be amazed.
  • PLANET-2179 – Social Share: Facebook encoding special characters
    • Allow special characters to appear in Facebook posts
  • PLANET-2180 – Social Share: Facebook cutting on exerpt
    • Make Facebook sharing easy, taking info form the page / post excerpt. What? Don’t know what the excerpt is? Check Create posts > Excerpt
  • PLANET-2180 – Use https on social share
    • Get secured links when tweeting awesome P4 content is now possible
  • PLANET-2183 Adjust Carousel caption alignment
    • Captions is the carousels were not aligned properly, now they look insanely amazing
See me? I am a caption of a caption and I look awesome
  • PLANET-2187 – Use posts based on page‘s tags in articles block
    • Some posts were showing tags not assigned. Not anymore.
  • PLANET-2208 – Multilingual: plugin blocks that select content should only select content of the current language
    • In a multi-language website, the “Related Articles” were shown in all available languages and not only in the language users were navigating (e.g. in the English version articles in Hindi were shown). Now this is fixed, and users will be able to consume content in their preferred language
  • PLANET-2223 – Show copyright symbol if it is not added by editors
    • Another tiny improvement to have beautiful captions and credits to all P4 images. If editors were not adding the © in the image description, now it will be added automatically.
  • PLANET-2226 – Change popper js version
    • Do you know what popper.js is? If yes then you will be happy to know we upgraded P4 to its latest version
  • PLANET-2228 – Upgrade WordPress to v4.9.6 and searchWP to v2.9.13
    • The latest versions of both the CMS and the Search feature are now up, running and rocking on all P4 instances