Since most of the team is working on the Gutenberg transition (which you can read about in this super awesome post on Medium by Luca) and the Planet 4 Campaign Generator project (previously referred as CPP and about which you can read more in this post on Medium written not only by one, but by two super awesome practitioners – Mark and Luca), release v1.65 is a tiny one, focused on fixing some bugs and doing some generic updates.

Release v1.65 (21/8/2019)

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • PLANET-3857Automatically generated tag pages should be excluded from Elastic Search results
    • The development team created a script that would create WordPress pages automatically for tags. However, these pages were still appearing in the Elastic Search results, but the development team fixed this and those pages are now excluded.
  • PLANET-3927Automatically created pages for #tags do not maintain background image
    • The pages that get automatically created when saving a #tag were NOT maintaining the background image assigned in the #Tag menu. This has been fixed now.

P4 Campaign Generator (P4CG) preparatory work ✊

  • PLANET-3823CPP – Within the EN block, the Submit button needs to be full width
    • The Submit (CTA) button was changed to appear the same width as the text fields both in the back end and front end.
  • PLANET-3894CPP – EN – En lefthand form block vertical spacing is not correct
    • The vertical spacing was broken in this block. The line height of the title was too tight. The space  between the header and bar was too large. The description text was too wide and required a margin at the bottom.

Generic improvements 🌏

  • PLANET-3873Update countries URL in Country selector
    • Replaced P3 URLs with new P4 URLs in country selector on top. For most of the countries it was only removed the language id but for some the URL changed more than just the language identifier. Now all new launched NROs have the URLs to their brand new P4 sites updated.
Block: Form (Engaging Networks)

Insert Call to Action in your P4 pages and send data to your Engaging Networks account

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