Starting with the current release, the sharing buttons of the EN form will load the information from the Open Graph / Social fields. Also, campaigners are now able to import campaign pages.

The Take Action Boxout will display an error message when custom URL does not start with http:// parameters.

Release v2.3

Engaging Networks form improvements  📣

  • PLANET-3992EN Form: sharing buttons do not pick up the “Open Graph / Social fields” information
    • Editors are now able to customize the Open Graph fields and have them overriding the default functionality when sharing a page after the visitor completed a Form
    • Hence, the sharing buttons available after a user submits his information into a form will pick the information from the Open Graph/Social fields.

P4 Campaign Generator (P4CG)

  • PLANET-4080CPP – Hide Categories and Tags under Campaigns menu item
    • Since Categories and Tags are not used on Campaign pages, these were hided from the menu so we simplify the backend UI and don’t confuse the webbies.
  • PLANET-4081CPP – Imported pages inherit the status of the original page – but they should be imported as Draft
    • When importing a Campaign page, the expected behaviour is: no matter what status the original page has, the imported page should be not published but a draft.
    • As a solution for this situation, the importer was modified to change the page status to “Unpublished/Draft”.
  • PLANET-4084CPP – Campaigner role should have permission to import campaign page
    • Users with Campaigner role should have permission to import a campaign page. With this ticket, we allowed Campaigners to use importer feature
  • PLANET-4088Add missing fields to Posts and Campaign edit pages
    •  Added some Screen options for Posts and Campaign types so all the logically required options are available.



Design and UX Improvements 🎩

  • PLANET-3995Rename “Media library” to “GPI Media Library” to avoid confusion P4 / GPI media Library
    • In the current UI, many times Editors get confused between P4 and the GPI Media Library. This because both menus are called “Media Library”.
    • We renamed the “MediaLibrary” item in the admin menu to “GPI media library”
  • PLANET-4103Take Action Boxout – add error message when custom url does not start with http://
    • When adding a custom link in the “Take Action Boxout”, Http:// is required for the URL in button link field, resulting in a broken link on the front end
    • When the custom link does not start with the http:// parameters,  an error message will be displayed.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • PLANET-4062 TA Box not disappearing
    • When a TA Page is unpublished (changed to Draft), any Post that had the Take Action Page appearing on it (from “Post Articles
      Element Field”) is affected.
    • In the backend the “Take Action Page Selector” resets to “None” (as it should), but instead of the TA boxout no longer appearing on the Post, the boxout remains on the Post and is empty (just gray; no image or text).
    • It is not until the Post is Updated again when the box disappear.
  • PLANET-4063Posts: Image spacing
    • When viewing Images in Posts, the spacing around the image is inconsistent depending on how the image is used on the page.
    • When the Image place is using a block, there is a significant amount (too much?) of space above & below the shortcake.
    • When the Image is placed inline, there is no additional space above or below.
    • As a solution, we equalized this space so it is the same in all situations.
  • PLANET-4065 Search: Space below Read More
    • On the Search page, the Read More button was touching the footer on XL and L screens. The same vertical spacing used for rest of pages was applied in this situation as well.
  • PLANET-4089 –  Last Paragraph has incorrect VS and a rouge indent
    • The last paragraph of the extended version of the CE page (CE v2) was having the incorrect line height and incorrect vertical space above and below. It also has 15px padding on the left and right.
    • We made sure the line height is the same as columns on top and we added a regular margin-bottom to be applied only in a specific scenario where there is a paragraph at the end of the page.