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v2.129 | WordPress 6.5, New Sendgrid Filter, Bug Fixes and More!
Hello Regina! A couple of updates in the universe of Planet 4; Wordpress 6.5, new filter for Sendgrid and a couple of bug fixes.
v2.128 | New medium post, Update default and the consent mode scripts, New setting to Load tag manager scripts, Greenpeace media Search limit changed, Fixed bugs and more!
In the last release update, we have welcomed Australia to Planet 4, and guess what? They have shared their journey with us, transforming their experience in a medium post! You can read here, it is fantastic!
v2.127 | Welcome AUSTRALIA, Featured Image Mandatory, Bug Fixes and More!
This release, we're welcoming back Australia to the wonderful world of Planet 4.
v2.126 | Skewed-overlay removed and Bug Fixes
Time to say goodbye to the "ray of sunshine", the skewed-overlay styles for page headers, and several bug fixes.
v2.125 | Reading Time Metrics, Page Header Options Migrations and Bug Fixes
A new "reading_time" dataLayer Variable for Posts, Page Header options moving away from the sidebar, bug fixes and more.
v2.124 | Google Consent Mode Updates, Quick Survey, 2023 Report and More!
Two features and two documentation updates. New parameters, a survey, a new post on Medium and the 2023 Report of Planet 4!
P4 Annual Community Survey Report 2023
You might be curious to see the main highlights of 2023 in Planet 4, right? But let me set the right expectations before the reading.
v2.122 & v2.123 | Media Archive Name Change, Documentation Updates and More!
A smaller update this time while the awesome Tech Team is working on some bigger tickets. Nevertheless: there have been some changes!
Report: 2024-01 Production Cluster CPU Spike incident
After deducing that it was the new PHP version that introduced our symptoms via the new number of deprecations reported to Sentry, we reduced the polling rate on the WordPress…
v2.121 | Upgrades Related to recent PHP8 Update, Unified Pages UI and More!
Follow last Sprint's PHP8 upgrade, there have been some ... interesting developments. But good news: Those affected plugins and dependencies have been upgraded!