Ahoi hoi! This SPRINT is all about features! Email encryptions, Posts and Action Blocks updates and a lot more. Let’s see:
Features 🛠
PLANET-7547 Generate an email hash on formSubmission events and set it in dataLayer/Cookie
To “hash” an email means to encrypt it. This means that from now on, whenever a an email has been submitted in Gravity Forms, it gets encoded. The generated hash is used in two ways:
- Add it as a dataLayer parameter called gp_user_id in the formSubmission event.
- Save it to a cookie called gp_user_id, but only if consent is given for analytics cookies to be set.
Consent to set the cookie has be determined like this:
- analytics_storage is granted in Google Consent Mode V2 at the time when the cookie gets saved.
PLANET-7531 Posts/Actions blocks: Show message when no posts found
In the Posts and Actions List blocks the message “No posts found.” is shown in the editor but not in the frontend. This has changed, so the message does get displayed for site visitors.
PLANET-7513 Remove the style section from the Carousel Header backend experience
Cleaning up that CSS code! In the backend experience of the Carousel header block, editors can choose between the two styles: Default & fit height to content. The only difference between both styles is the vertical spacing that is being added or removed.
Meaning the styles section from the Carousel header block has been removed and the CSS code that wasn’t needed anymore has been removed.
PLANET-7497 Backend Text Changes on Counter Block
A couple of backend changes to the Counter Block.
- Instead of “completed”: Number of Items Collected and in the text in the field “e.g. Signatures at this moment”
- Instead of “Completed API URL”: “API URL for Goal Reached” and the text in the field says “API URL for the total amount e.g. of signatures”
- Instead of Target: “Goal” text in the field says “e.g. Total amount of signatures”
- Instead “These placeholders can be used”: “Use the following placeholders within the text to showcase the real numbers when using an API URL: %completed%, %target%, %remaining%”
Documentation 🗂
A new article has been added in the Handbook to guide everyone to write their own Case Studies! It serves to help you get started and structure your case study in information, details and learnings. After all, sharing is caring!
Bugs 🐞
🤕 Don’t let bugs run free! Make sure to report them here.
Heads-up 📡
PLANET-7525 Media import does not work with feature image
PLANET-7527 Move blocks report into master theme