A big part of work for the P4 team in the last months was the Archive of P3 sites and the integration of the archived content in the P4 sites.
The Planet 4 team did a full backup of all sites and made their content available via both P4 integration and external sources.
Through the P4 integration with the archived content, it is possible to include Archived content from the Greenpeace collection in the Internet Archive among the P4 search results, allowing users to decide whether to view historical pages from P3 (or previous versions of Greenpeace websites) or not.
Have a look at the video below to check how the P4 Search Integration works with Greenpeace Archived content.
There was also a tiny release last week to introduce a new value to campaign dataLayer dropdown – Covid-19 and also to fix some urgent bugs.
Release v2.26 (26.03.2020)
📊 Data and Analytics
- PLANET-4889 – Add new value to campaign dataLayer dropdown (Covid-19)
- New value Covid-19 Response was added to the Campaign Standards (first field) dropdown, in order to help data analysts input new values to the campaign standards dropdown (gCampaign) so that we can track the “Covid-19 Response” project outputs
🐛 Bug Fixes
- PLANET-4623 – Some Code Included in the Social Media Share Excerpt
- When sharing posts on social media, the excerpt preview was also loading the image code.
- Also, the thumbnail was not showing sometimes.
- The team made sure the Open Graph fields does not auto-populate by default and if the Open Graph description field is empty then the excerpt field would be picked up when sharing.

- PLANET-4822 – Gallery block: image selector not visible
- When adding a Gallery block to a post and trying to add images, the button to select images went missing. If editors were adding images and then deleting them, the button re-appeared.