While the team is still working to change the last blocks to WYSIWYG and other on going tickets, this release is quite a brief release, mainly fixing an image size related bug for the Split Two Columns block and addressing some performance and infrastructure issues.
🐛Bug Fixes
- PLANET-5733 – Split Two Columns uses unresized original image
- The Split Two Columns block doesn’t use an srcset for all images, even though we always have that available. Additionally it uses the original image, potentially adding megabytes of data.

- PLANET-5779 – ErrorException: Warning: A non-numeric value encountered
- Fixed non-numeric error in carousel header
- PLANET-5680 – PHP Notice on search page
🎩 Features
- PLANET-5820 – Restrict anti-flicker snippet to A/B element
- Having the anti flicker snippet on causes a significant white flash on almost every page load.
- We have the anti-flicker snippet on pretty much by default on all sites, but people are probably not aware of the major performance impact that has. It effectively shows a white screen to the user until the test is applied to the page, on every page load.
- Without the snippet, pages load roughly in 100 ms (i.e. browser is ready to show something, not completely loaded) and there is no flash at all. With the snippet you add to that the response time (EDIT: not sure if this is actually just the response time, could be something else makes it take long) for Google Tag Manager which has the test data. This response time varies a lot, on average it’s around 1000ms, and can be up to 4000ms, 40 times as long as are regular page load. It can also be a lot worse in regions where the tag manager response times are longer.
- This means that without the snippet on each page navigation is seamless with no white flash, while with the snippet it’s very rare for the page not to flash.
- PLANET-5790 – Add default TTL value on Redis cache
- The Redis cache was never expiring and we need to fix that.
🔧 Infrastructure
- PLANET-5836 – Reset traefik-consol path for cert regneration in Dev