Add information about an issue and a tag

📚 Create Content > Blocks > Split Two Columns

Purpose: This blocks allows the editor to edit information about an issue and a tag

Pages: Explore

Edit the block

The Split Two Column block is designed to pull content from an Issue and an associated tag next to it.

Basically, on the left the system will propose Issue pages (aka pages that have “EXPLORE” as parent), on the right the system will propose the list of #Tags.

Since the migration to WYSIWYG, some elements are editable in place for each of the two columns. These elements are:

The other elements are editable on the right side:

Split two columns block before making any edits
Split two columns block edited

Behavior of the block

There are some behavior characteristics to keep in mind:

Design Elements

All design files of the block are available in the P4 Design Systems > Blocks > Split two columns

Links & Resources