The Engaging Networks form Block is more robust than ever with the feedback from the community! This release brings design improvements, both in Edit mode and Front end, including the option to translate EN strings (such as the “please enter a valid email address” error) in local languages.

YouTube videos (both embedded in Posts / pages and via the Media Block) are now consumed anonymously, to protect our users’ privacy.

Release v1.60 (10/07/2019)

Engaging Networks form block improvements 📣

  • PLANET-3710EN Form: allow text option below the CtA button
    • Editors are now able to insert a text directly below the Call To Action / button (not related to the Form), to potentially hyperlink disclaimer / privacy policy, if the office requires it.
    • This can be done via a new field in the form edit mode, right the CTA.

Text below the CtA button in the backend

Text below the CtA button in the frontend

  • PLANET-3714Non-English sites: add engaging-networks plugin to LOCO 
    • For the non-English P4 sites, the error messages of the EN Form block were appearing in English only. Strings can now be translated in the Handbook, under the “Planet4 – EngagingNetworks” bundle. Full instructions here.

Error messages appearing in EN on no-EN sites

Security upgrade ⚖️

  • PLANET-3619Change youtube domain to privacy enabled one in embedded content
    • When embedding YouTube content on a post/page, the url is now automatically updated to As a result of this ticket, videos  now use in frontend, with no impact on loading speed, but preserving P4 users’ privacy.
    • See the awesome video below? Well, you are consuming it YouTube cookies-free!

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • PLANET-3634Columns block: vertical space of body text is misaligned 
    • The vertical spacing of body text for both the No Image and Icon styles of the Columns block was misaligned, in the sense that if there was one column with the title on one row and another column with the title on two rows, the body of the columns was misaligned. See below.

Columns block: Vertical space of body text misaligned 

Columns block: Vertical space of body text aligned 

  • PLANET-3704Gallery block: Grid style is not adjusting based on image height
    • Images were not adjusting for image height when using the Grid Style. This has been fixed now so all images would have the same height and not break the grid anymore. See the difference below.

Before: Images in the grid style not adjusting the height

After: Images in the grid style adjusting the height

  • PLANET-3717 -The Arabic Menu is distorted when adding 3rd language
    • Once the third Language is added (French Language), the Arabic  section of the pages were distorted, The English and The French section are ok, where All Arabic pages will have the alignment problem. The menu bar was distorted also. The team has fixed this and the menu is responsive even when adding a 3rd language.
  • PLANET-3726Flush Object Cache prompt issue
    • It seems that there was an issue with the Flush Cache functionality, which was not working properly anymore.
      • In Dashboard > Planet 4 Control Panel > Cache > Flush Object Cache it is the functionality that deletes the object cache keys.It used to have a prompt after successfully deleted the cache such as “object cache successfully deleted”
      • The development team made sure this is working properly again and that the immediately update is available to the not-logged-in user’s content in their browser.
  • PLANET-3737 PDF icon not available in NRO master theme
    • It seems that the icon signaling a PDF document went missing from the master theme. There was only a space where it should have been the small icon.
    • The image has been added again to the images of the master theme and is now displayed again on the front end.