Sprint 💯  comes with a new feature that will improve the lives of editors: duplication of Posts and Pages. Beside this, the team continued working on the soon to be launched P4 Campaign Generator and the new editor – Gutenberg.

New features 👑🆕

  • PLANET-3805Implement plugin for duplication of Posts/Pages! 
    • To duplicate posts or pages from the backend / Admin dashboard:
      • In the posts/ pages list, when hovering over a title, a “CLONE” button/link will create a DRAFT copy of the post or page, with the same title, URL, content etc..
  • To duplicate posts or pages from edit mode
    • While editing an existing post or page, a command in the top navigation bar will copy this piece of content into a new DRAFT copy of the post or page, with the same title, URL, content etc..

P4 Campaign Generator (P4CG) preparatory work ✊

  • PLANET-3908 – CPP – Customize social media links in the footer
    • In Campaign types, editors will be able to customize the social media links in the footer to have them different than the P4 footer.
    • In the Page design section, there are some new fields where editors can customize the social media links from the footer of the page.
  • PLANET-3956 CPP – Add new value and reorganize the Campaign Standards (dataLayer) dropdown values
    • A new value for Climate Emergency was added to the Campaign Standards (first field) dropdown  in pages and in campaign pages
    • Also, the Campaign Standards (first field) dropdown values have been reorganized in alphabetical order
  • PLANET-3965P4CG – Create a new Climate Emergency theme
    • Climate Emergency requires its own theme in the Campaign customizer
    • The font is free to use and it is called Jost*. For languages that are not supported (Arabic, Greek) then we should use Noto/Roboto as we do with other CPP campaign fonts.

Engaging Networks form improvements  📣

  • PLANET-3854EN Form: Re-style body size width style (incl. text below CtA)
    • Adjusted the “Text Below Call to Action” (CtA) box to work well with all the styles of the EN form.
  • PLANET-3872EN Form: Adjust sharing buttons of “Thank you” screens to behave like Posts and Take Action pages
    • As a user, when I sign an EN form, I want to share it in Facebook, Twitter and/or email and expect the sharing buttons to behave like they do in posts and pages.
    • If until now, all the FB, TW and Email buttons would pull out only the url of the page, starting with this release they will also pull out exactly the same fields as they do in Posts and Take Action pages.



Gutenberg preparatory work 📰

  • PLANET-3975Ensure frontend facing assets are loaded for all Gutenberg blocks
    • Make sure all the required styles and scripts are loaded in the frontend side.