This Post aims to guide you through the process of writing a Case Study. Please keep in mind you do not have to follow this step by step, feel free to make the case study your own. This serves to help you get started and help you structure your case study in information, details and learnings.

Unfortunately, it’s been a while since a case study has been shared, yet many NROs are doing so many impressive, innovative and just cool things. In the spirit of Sharing Is Caring, we’d like to bring more case studies to the community.

Writing a case study involves telling a compelling story about a particular situation, problem, or project, and how it was addressed.


First, set up a framework. Explain what the subject of your case study is and introduce the reader of the article to what your focus was, of its importance and the general goals.

  • What is the main subject or focus of the case study?
  • Why is this case study important or relevant?
  • What are the key objectives or goals of this case study?

Background Information / Problem

Give a bit of background on why this project is important. What challenges were you hoping to tackle, the problems you were trying to solve.

  • What is the context or background of the organization or individual involved?
  • What was the initial situation or problem faced?
  • What were the specific challenges or obstacles encountered?
  • What was the main problem or issue that needed to be resolved?
  • How was this problem affecting the organization or individual?
  • What were the potential consequences of not addressing this problem?

Approach and Methodology

Give a bit more information about how you wanted to approach this problem. Was there a plan in mind, what actions were you going to take, etc.

  • What approach or strategy was chosen to address the problem?
  • Why was this particular approach or methodology selected?
  • What were the steps or actions taken to implement the solution?


Time to explain who was involved and what resources you had. Share a bit about the challenges you faced along the way and how you addressed them.

  • Who were the key stakeholders or participants involved in the implementation?
  • What resources (time, money, technology, personnel) were required?
  • Were there any adjustments or changes made during the implementation?

Results and Outcomes

First impressions of the implementation. Did you achieve your goals, did the strategy work, were there additional challenges you faced along the way, … Analyze the overall process.

  • What were the immediate results of the implemented solution?
  • Were the goals and objectives met? If so, how? If not, why not?
  • What quantitative and qualitative data can support the outcomes?
  • What worked well in the approach or strategy?
  • What were the main challenges or issues faced during implementation?
  • How were these challenges overcome, if at all?

Lessons Learned

Help others not to make the same mistakes. Share learnings, things you would do differently, and anything else you think of to help others along the way to achieve a similar result.

  • What lessons were learned from this case study?
  • What could have been done differently to improve the results?
  • How can these lessons be applied to future projects or situations?


Reflect on the journey. Give an overview on what you aspired to achieve, what came out of it and if the results properly tackle the original problem.

  • What is the overall summary of the case study?
  • How has the situation improved as a result of the actions taken?
  • What are the future implications or next steps for the organization or individual?

Supporting Information

Make sure to add some extra information. You can use quotes, contact information, visuals and other things to make the case study article visually appealing.

  • Are there any quotes or testimonials from key stakeholders?
  • What visual aids (charts, graphs, images) can enhance the understanding of the case study?
  • Are there any references or additional resources that provide further context or information?


How we tested the new P4 information architecture and navigation

Developing a set of frontend web components in GP Australia-Pacific: the pre / post donation forms

Greenpeace Netherlands innovations (and handover)

Your Turn !

We’d love to bring the community more Case Studies. So if you’ve got something interesting to share, please do get in touch. A case study can take many forms and doesn’t have to be a blog post by default. We will always discuss the best way to move forward, taking into account how much time you have to dedicate and share your knowledge. We’re here to help 🙂

Questions? Remarks?

Make sure to reach out to the Planet 4 Community on Slack!

#p4-general on Slack