Happy new year everyone! :champers:
Here’s a quick recap of where we’re at with our P4 website greenpeace.ch and an overview of some of the plans for 2022.

First, a HUGE thank you to everyone involved creating and editing content for the website, coming up with new ideas to try, reporting issues or fixing them. And for working together so well in 2021! Including all of the online campaigners, story publishers, media strategists, supporter services, campaigners, DaESy members (Data and Engagement Systems team) and all other staff/volunteers that in one way or the other interacted with the website.

To me, the website is like a living organism, it changes constantly with technical updates and new content. There are now more people working on content than ever before at Greenpeace Switzerland and (including the international Planet 4 team) more people than ever working on the technical aspects and infrastructure. We’ve come a long way in terms of quality of the content, development speed and quality, reliable infrastructure.

We’ve been very involved in the international Planet4 project that’s now running 50 websites in total, greenpeace.ch being one of them. We were able to give some valuable input, for example our experience using forms directly on the website that’s now being implemented internationally. We’ve also received an invaluable amount of support and work from the Planet 4 team, who are doing a truly amazing job at constantly improving Planet 4 and including NROs into their processes.

Praise over and that said, the website is far from perfect and there’s always lots to improve. I can’t visit a page without noticing visual glitches or other things that need changing. The constant stream of improvements also brings a constant stream of issues to solve, technology is changing quickly and forces us to adapt. We need to constantly refine user journeys and get acquainted with new trends in communication and engagement emerge, both within and outside of Greenpeace.

There will be a whole lot of smaller changes in 2022, but here are the bigger visions that are on our plate for this year:

  • Planet4 receives a new information architecture. They way we present our content will change with new page structures, new navigation structure, new content elements. There’s an ongoing international planning process and implementation will be done step by step throughout the year. We’ll be able to adapt the international changes to our specific needs in Switzerland.
  • We are exploring Server Side Tagging (sometimes called Server Side Analytics). The goal is to improve the data quality to get a good picture of what’s happening on our website and at the same time gain more control over the data we send to third parties (like Facebook, Google). Good data is the basis to improving the user journeys on our website.
  • We are actively trying to improve search enginge traffic (SEO) on the most important pages and a few select areas of the website.
  • Hopefully close the gap between French an German content more this year, which is mainly up to the campaign circles. Resource allocations have already been made, so it’s looking promising.
  • Of course, the switch from Sextant to Salesforce and from Inxmail to Hubspot won’t leave the website untouched. We’ll make data from engagement opportunities available in Hubspot almost instantly. We’ll get better communication tools and less manual processes out of it.

If you’d like to know more or have feedback, please drop me a line on slack or let’s have a coffee through Zoom!

Last but not least, I’d like to encourage you to read the most recent stories on the German part of the website. They cover our current campaigns and look back at 2021. Besides the obviously interesting content, in my opinion these stories are also an example of how we’ve collectively become better and more professional communicators over the last few years. I like the storytelling, the good use of images and video, good structure and use of multiple content elements. Big congrats to all content creators involved!