Blocks have character limit counter for titles and descriptions and they update while the editors are typing. Carousel header sliding automatically option is back and working properly. The ‘Thank you’ screen for EN Form is being responsive for “Page body-text” and “Full page width” styles.

Release v2.16 (22.01.2020)

Design and UX Improvements 🎩

  • PLANET-3870 Blocks Titles and Descriptions: insert characters limit counter
    • Blocks now have character limit counter under the text boxes, aligned on the right and which are updating while the editors are typing.
    • The blocks have a limit of 20 to 60 characters for the title and 200 to 400 for the description depending on the blocks. You can see the respective limits in the Jira ticket or while you are editing one of the blocks.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • PLANET-4075EN Form: Thank you screen not responsive for “Page body-text” and “Full page width” styles
    • When signing up an EN form either with the “Page body-text” or the “Full page width” style, the alignment for the responsive versions was not good. This was fixed according to designs.
  • PLANET-4331EN Form: EN Type GEN label appears twice
    • When EN Form style = Full page width & when EN Type = GEN the label does not appear correctly on the front-end. This bug was fixed by hiding the name field next to the text box.
  • PLANET-4456CPP – Import/export – some special characters get incorrectly converted
    • When exporting and importing campaign pages which contained special characters, some special characters seemed to be having problems so this had to be fixed.
  • PLANET-4486 MENA: Cookies text and buttons are not aligned or resized properly (Tablet and Desktop)
    • In MENA site (Tablet and Desktop screens) the text of the cookies block does not span across the whole width of the cookies bar, and the Button remains of fixed width.
  • PLANET-4624Carousel Header: flash of white background in RTL sites
    • There was a flash of a white background in RTL sites when user were sliding the Carousel Header which had to be fixed.
  • PLANET-4654 Carousel Header not sliding automatically
    • The Carousel header used on the Homepages stopped sliding automatically. The function would still not work not even the block would have been deleted entirely and created again.

Geek alert

(this section is dedicated to developers or web editors with advanced tech knowledge)

  • PLANET-4533Perf: Investigate pre-connection with external domains (through Reg. test)
    • Investigate the use of “preconnect” tags for third-party domains loaded in production, e.g.: hotjar, google analytics, newrelic, etc. 
    • This was happening before switching to Gutenberg, need to check whether this is still the case or not, and if not apply.
    • This should reduce the loading time a bit.