Sprint 90 brings a series of improvements to the Engaging Networks form block and integration with Counter block. Another highlight is a column being added in the posts list that displays the post type taxonomy, coming from an Idea!

Release v1.56 (07/06/2019)

Design and UX Improvements 🎩

  • PLANET-3556Timeline Block: UI improvements
    • Improvements on the appearance of the timeline block.
  • PLANET-3586 – Show Counter Bar Inside side style EN form
    • The two blocks (Counter and EN form) have been combined into one, as seen in the screenshot below.

Backend improvements

  • PLANET-2723Search: Remove date from Page results
    • Pages built in the Default or Evergreen template should not display the publish date in Search results on any device.

Before                                                                                                                            After

  • PLANET-3037Counter Block: add title and description
    • Title and Description fields have been added for the Counter block.
  • PLANET-3583Add a column in the posts list that displays the post type taxonomy (Story, Press Release, …)
    • Editors can now see the post type right next to the “All posts” dashboard! Kudos to our Swiss colleagues for developing this feature, and sharing it with everyone in the community!

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • PLANET-3595Usabilla mobile buttons not “Sticky” on mobile screens – remove CSS
    • There were a couple of sites (Canada, Africa, Czech, Japan, Brazil, Mexico) where the Usabilla buttons on mobile did not “Stick” at the bottom of the screen, remaining floating in the middle of the page while scrolling content. After investigating the matter further, Usabilla support noticed that the issue was caused by an extra code added to the button implementation code.
    • As you can see in the screenshot below, an additional code has been added to place the feedback button on top of the cookie policy’s banner.
    • By* deselecting* the CSS property bottom: 25%!important, the button should return to its original position.
  • PLANET-3585The Arabic Menu is distorted when adding 3rd language
    • When adding a 3rd langauge in the Arabic menu, and one of the versions is clicked, the alignment of the Logo, Toggle Language bar, and the search bar will be lowered.

Engaging Networks Customizable Forms

  • PLANET-3543EN Form Block: Opt in questions should get the text from the EN Api
    • In the new version of the EN plugin, the opt-in questions should not have editable text. The text should be picked up from the API (EN has delivered that functionality).
      Notice: If the text has html in it, that html needs to be rendered correctly.Additional to that: The page “Question settings” will not be needed any more, so that will get deleted.After an optin has been selected, the edit pencil should appear. Upon clicking on the pencil, the editor is presented with a choice (drop down select field) of the locales on which this question is available.
      If only one is available, that one is used by default (the user does not have to do anything)
  • PLANET-3548Display non-tagged fields in enform add/create page
    • Display non-tagged fields in enform add/create page
      Available fields metabox
  • PLANET-3550 Plugin Engaging networks: Add regex validator on text fields
    • On the new version of EN plugin, we have a field type “text”. In the extra things that we define on those fields, create a field where the admin can enter a regex expression.
      On submission of the field, the JavaScript should check if the data match the regex (Before they are sent to EN)
  • PLANET-3554 EN form Block: Opt in hidden with default value don’t get committed to EN
    • If the webeditor created a hidden field from an opt-in or from a question, with the default value “Y”, it did not get commit to EN. This got fixed.
  • PLANET-3576Auto-add Email field in new EN Forms
    • Email field is mandatory for engaging networks api submissions.
  • In ‘Add New EN Form’ ensure that ‘Email’ (property = emailAddress) field is added automatically when a new EN form post is created. Also, it was marked as ‘required’ and removal of the field has been disabled.
  • PLANET-3582 Content title and description are not visible in the frontend
    • The content title and description fields were not visible on the frontend, but only in the backend. This has been fixed now.

Geek alert

(this section is dedicated to developers or web editors with advanced tech knowledge)

  • PLANET-3584 –  Fix campaign exporter SQL creation
    • The (non released yet) functionality of campaign exporter has two parts that are vulnerable to SQL injections.
      exporter-helper.php Line: 33
      $wpdb->get_col(sprintf(“SELECT meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE ( meta_key = ‘_thumbnail_id’ or meta_key = ‘backg round_image_id’ ) AND post_id IN(%s)”, implode(‘,’, $post_ids)));
      “`And :
      exporter-helper.php Line: 47“`
      $wpdb->get_col(“SELECT post_content FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID IN( ” . implode(‘,’, $post_ids) . ” ) AND post_content REGEXP ‘((wp-image-|wp-att-)[0-9][0-9]*)|\\[gallery |shortcake


      Task: Sanitise the SQL
      Use command un WPDB to create the SQL query sanitised. Please create sanitised SQL query

  • PLANET-3539Master Theme: Load services only in the pages that are needed.
    • Make sure we do load only the services that are needed in some of the page