Blocks are used in posts and pages to dynamically pull out content or achieve specific functionalities. Master them all and combine them in the perfect layout.

📚 Create Content > Blocks

🤔 TIP: To insert special characters in blocks such as #$%&amp;*(){}[] you need to use the &amp; hex code format ( and to insert markup / HTML in blocks description or content just use single quotes, like <a href=’YOURLINK’>your text</a>

Content blocks

Accordion 🔽

Expand or collapse sections to improve user experience by preventing endless scrolling


Articles 🗞

Pull out dynamically your posts to promote organic navigation!


Carousel Header 🎠

Display several photos on a scrolling carousel for the home page

Carousel header

Columns / tasks 🏛

Group static content in aligned, responsive and styled columns


Cookies 🍪

Allow users to control which cookies to accept in your site 


Counter 🧮

Show how many signatures are collected or the progress of a campaign


Group 🎳

Create a 'placeholder' and add other blocks inside it


Happy point 🙌

Embed a "Subscribe" or engagement form in Planet 4 pages 

Happy point

Spreadsheet / Table 📊

Create tables or embed responsive Google Spreadsheets

Spreadsheet - table

Table of Contents 📋

A dynamic and clickable Table of Content based on headers

P4 Table of Contents

Media and 3rd party blocks

GF Form block ✍️

Insert a Gravity Forms Block into your pages for petitions, contacts and more!

Gravity Forms

Gallery 🎞

Combine images in grid, 3 columns or carousel


Image 📸

Insert visuals in your post / page, either via the Media library or uploads


🧑‍💻 To find the Patterns of Planet 4, go to this page in the Handbook. 

🧑‍💻 To learn more about the Blocks & Patterns layout, go to this page in the Handbook. 

🧱 Blocks Availability

Block NamePostsPagesCampaigns
🔽 Accordion☑️☑️☑️
🗞 Articles☑️☑️☑️
🎠 Carousel Header⛔️☑️☑️
🏛 P4 Columns / tasks⛔️☑️☑️
🍪 Cookies☑️☑️☑️
🧮 Counter☑️☑️☑️
🎳 Group⛔️☑️☑️
🙌 Happy point⛔️☑️☑️
📊 Spreadsheet / Table☑️☑️☑️
📋 P4 Table of Contents⛔️☑️⛔️
🎞 Gallery☑️☑️☑️
📸 Image☑️☑️☑️
🎥 Audio & Video☑️☑️☑️
⚖️ Media & text☑️☑️☑️
🤳 Social Media☑️☑️☑️
🗳 Take Action Boxout☑️☑️☑️
⏳ Timeline☑️☑️☑️

Video : Blocks 🧱 vs Patterns 🌇 – explained

Check out why blocks and patterns are different and how they work together 👇

Create Content